Friday, April 24, 2009

i've changed...

for me, it is proven that it takes me only one incident to change me...
am i being to cruel???
i think it was just a misunderstanding...
but as i've done my part>>>apologizing which i thought i'd be somehow 'forgiven' by that person, still i think she didn't forgive me...
i rarely have the 'mood' to have some fun with my friends these days...
sooooo sorrryyyyy guys...
i know u guys are innocent...
i know u guys are affected by my attitude nowadays...
but i couldn't help it...
i just want to be alone...
enough joking....
enough fun...
enough bluffing with me...
enough is enough...
i really want to hear she says something good to me...
not to say in angry tone at least...
really want to hear that...
i admit that i've changed...
things will never be the same after this...
but it's okey coz my family knows me better...
i don't care i u think that i've absorbed all the negative attitudes...
i don't want to care...
it's hurt you know...
it was like my heart have been broken into small small pieces...
and to know that the person you love talk to you like that...
it was hurtful...
am i tooooo cruel????
am i not allowed to be mad at anybody???
is this makes me a bad person???
to that person...........>>>>>
i really apologize for everything...
i admit my mistake...
and i did that unintentionally...
really sorry...
for me, you're still my friend also my sister...
u still do...
i'm not mad at you, i'm just sick of everything...
i want to be alone...
so, let me be...
congratulation b'coz u've succeeded to make me "shylock"...
to all my friends...........>>>>>
thanks for everything...
sorry if u guys are also affected by me...
thanks to be by my side...
i just need to be alone...
please let me be...

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